If you still don't believe that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, then we'd advise you to take a look at the following video that was shot in Brazil.
We can honestly say that it’s one of the craziest and most dangerous incidents of road rage that we have ever seen. Period.
Reports emerging from Brazil say that, according to the police report, the said incident took place on February 23. It all started when a woman driving a Fiat Palio Adventure allegedly cut off the motorcyclist at a red light.

The angry motorcyclist then stands up and walks towards the Fiat – we're going to assume that he wasn't planning to turn the other cheek yet.
So what does the woman do? She drives straight onto the man who lands on the car's bonnet clinching onto the mirror for his life, while the woman steers the Fiat into stationary vehicles and on to a parked car on the other side of the road!
By some kind of miracle, no one, not even the shaken up motorcyclist was hurt during the Brazilian woman's insane rage.
But just to be sure, the motorcyclist quickly got up and took the keys off the woman's vehicle before she could run him over again…
You can watch the incident unfold in the video after the break. We've also added a TV news clip from Brazil, so if you know Portuguese and we missed something, the comments section is all yours.
Hat tip to Commanche!
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